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(auteursfoto: Ronald Hissink)

Dive into the science fiction worlds of Roderick Leeuwenhart

From military SF to body horror futures, the stories Roderick writes are very Dutch indeed—though often with a link to Japan, China or Indonesia. In 2016, he won the prestigious Harland Award for speculative fiction. His work has been published in Dutch, German, English, Italian and even Chinese. He is represented by Christiaan Boesenach at Sebes & Bisseling Literary Agency.

You can find a full list of published novels and stories here, several of which are free to read online.

An avid gamer, Roderick also writes dialogue and lore for video games. Previous projects include Awesomenauts, Blightbound and Epic of Tia, as well as an official short story set in the world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

If you wish to contact him, please send an email to